September Stamping Retreat
Classes and Events

World Card Making Day Free Class

Hey everybody,

World Card Making Day really snuck up on us this year, particularly being on the same day as the AFL grand final. We are not huge footy fans in our house, but when a team sneaks into the top eight, who hasn't won a Grand Final since 1954, and they get through all the finals, and you live in Melbourne and your husband's step-father is a big Doggie's fan, you've kind of got to get involved!

So World Card Making Day came and went . . . And the Doggies won the Grand Final in a very exciting close game!

However, the awesome surprise promotion that Stampin' Up! put on for World Card Making Day wasn't limited to Saturday, it actually runs for 5 days and so it is still on until 11.59pm tomorrow (Wednesday).

There are only a few items on the sale, but they are ALL awesome! And I just wanted to point a couple of them out and see if I can't entice you!

Designer Tin of Cards (499x499)

First is the Designer Tin Of Cards Kit. - watch this Watch Now

This is a brilliant kit, containing all the materials for 16 completed cards - 4 each of 4 designs. I love this kit so much that I am willing to offer a free class voucher (for assembling the kit) to anyone who purchases it while the promotion is still running. We will organise a date and get together to make up the cards in the kit.

The kit is normally $47.00 but during the promotion it is just $35.25 which works out at just over $2.20 per card.

There is also a separate 33 piece photo-polymer stamp set which co-ordinates with the kit. The very versatile stamp set is just $45.00 and would be very useful for a whole heap of other cards, not just for assembling the kit.

Designer Tin of Cards Stamp Set (499x499)

Also in the World Card Making Day special is Fast Fuse Tape with a free refill.

If you've been stamping with me lately, you'll have seen that this is now my GO TO adhesive.

Now that I've worked out how to use it, I love it's super sticking power and I think it's fantastic that the refill is 20m instead of just 12m like the original and the Snail and Snail Refill.

Fast Fuse (499x499)

The Fast Fuse is normally $13, and the refill is $11. During the special, order a Fast Fuse and get a refill free! How awesome is that??

Actually, I'm so in love with this kit and the Fast Fuse that not only will I offer a free class to anyone ordering the kit, if you order all three items (Designer Tin of Cards, Tin of Cards Stamp Set AND Fast Fuse - with free refill), I will give you free postage AND a Stampin' Up! photopolymer Angel Policy Stamp from the "Better Than Email" Stamp Set to stamp the backs of your cards with. Total cost is $93.25, postage is normally $5.95 and the Angel Policy stamp is worth $2.33.

If you message me (via Facebook - ) or send an email to [email protected] that you would like to take up the offer, and can phone me with your credit card details during the day tomorrow, then I will make sure these items are delivered to your door with free postage!

But, I need to hear from you and confirm your credit card details before the sale ends tomorrow - and given that we normally go to bed relatively early, don't ring me after 9pm!

Don't forget - Buy the Kit, get a voucher for a free class where we can all sit and assemble our kits, using my extra supplies.

Buy the Kit, Stamp Set and Fast Fuse with free refill and get free postage and an extra "Copyright" stamp for stamping the backs of your cards.

Email or message me in the next 23 hours!


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