One Little Word Blog Hop - Vision Boards
March 01, 2013
Hey everyone! How are you going?
It's been a VERY busy month in the Ruddick household, and I have barely found any spare time for even thinking about updating my blog - but as has become habit, the One Little Word Blog Hop cannot be missed - even if the project for February remains unfinished, unresolved and just a teensy bit stress creating !
During February our One Little Word class was encouraged to collect words and images from magazines and create a vision board for ourselves. Firstly I don't buy any magazines so tearing out pictures was going to be a real challenge, but secondly, it's been such a busy month, I didn't actually get to log into the class until well into the second half of the month, thereby giving myself a complete heart attack at this months' task!!
I HAVE purchased a canvas during a lunch break at work, and I HAVE found a couple of Gardening Australia magazines from which I was able to collect a few words and images! I had hoped to find a few other old Housey type magazines in hidden spaces around the house - but with preparing for a major craft show, dealing with end of month at work ( and end of project!!), assisting with a very unwell father in law, and all the other things that go on in one's life, I have really struggled in February to stay in touch with my OLW "LIGHT" . . . I think I need to make some time to go back over my January prompt and revisit all my prompt cards and just remind myself how my word is manifesting itself in my life, even when I am too busy to notice . . .
If you have come here from Angela's blog or you may be starting the blog hop here, welcome! This is a photo of bits and pieces I have found so far that "spoke to me" and wanted to go on my vision board. I need to find a whole stack more!
It's funny because even though I feel really out of sorts and out of touch with the One Little Class this month, and in particular with the vision boards - each one of these snippets of a gardening magazine really screams at me as being important and relevant, so I know this is a monthly prompt that I will continue to work and and will complete!
Right now, I better let you continue on the blog hop by visiting Jackie who has hopefully done more than me this month!!
If you happen to get lost in the blog hop - here is the original list of lovely classmates who are participating.
Missus Wookie:
The blog hop goes live at 6am Pacific time, which we think is around 11pm Melbourne time - if you can't connect to the next link please give it half an hour and try again, just in case!! See you soon,
Hugs, Kathryn
Good that you are collecting appropriate cuttings (excuse the pun) and hopefully you'll feel inspired very soon.
Posted by: Ruth | March 01, 2013 at 11:14 PM
I think it's all right to take a step back sometimes instead of forcing oneself into making something with only half the heart in it. I know that I sometimes need to mull things over before I can get them down on paper. I'm sure you will feel inspired to make something soon.
Posted by: Account Deleted | March 01, 2013 at 11:21 PM
I can't wait to see your board once it's done. Love that the images/words are screaming at you :) Happy March!
Posted by: Lee Currie | March 02, 2013 at 12:18 AM
I think your word "light" and the items you chose are PERFECT! You need light to make a garden grow and in a sense, you need "light" to grow as a person! I can't wait to see your board come together!
Posted by: Kelly S. | March 02, 2013 at 12:25 AM
All the best for your OLWing. Great clippings there.
Posted by: Sue Madex | March 02, 2013 at 09:26 AM
Hang in there and keep plugging away - you'll get this done and be thrilled with the results! Hope March is a better month for you.
Posted by: Cheri | March 03, 2013 at 01:08 AM
I hope that you LOVE doing and that you are INSPIRED!
Posted by: Jacqueline | March 03, 2013 at 09:54 AM
Hope that all the other deadlines and projects come to a productive end, your FIL feels better, and you are able to take some time to feel lighter - I know I always need a bit of time at the end of such a stressful time.
Posted by: Missus Wookie | March 04, 2013 at 09:38 PM
What you have so far looks great! I often don't do the "official" assignment, but find that my word takes shape that month anyway. Looking forward to seeing your next month!
Posted by: Lisa | March 17, 2013 at 05:20 AM