Craft Show Wrap Up!
A Sale "To Die For"

Winner's Are Grinners!!

Well, it's Melbourne Cup Day - the day of the Race that Stops the Nation, and what more appropriate thing could we be talking about today than winners!  Although, this is not about winners of a horse race!  No way!  This is WAY more important!

Listed below are the FIVE lucky door prize winners who filled out their details to go into the draw for one of FIVE prizes we were offering on the Stampin' Up! Stand at Caulfield Craft Show.  Congratulations ladies, you are sure going to love these bundles of goodies!

1.  The Major Prize basket has been won by : S. O'Dwyer of Fairfield.

Congratulations, Sarah will be in contact to deliver your amazing basket of goodies which looks to be worth well over $300.00!! You are going to love that!

Minor Prize Winners :

2.  Christy Tu of Templestowe

3.  Melinda Lew of Donvale

4.  Emma Cockroft of Prahran

5.  Rhonda Anthony of Hinchinbrook.

Very excited for you ladies, and hope you enjoy these little goodies!  If you haven't received your goodies in about a week, please contact myself or Genna off your Stampin' Up! show specials flyer so we can follow it up for you!



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