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Australia's Biggest Morning Tea

Today - Thursday 27th May is the nominated day for the 2010 Australia's Biggest Morning Tea for the Cancer Council of Australia.

Please come and join me for a cuppa at Bayswater Youth Centre, Pine Road, Bayswater, between 10am and 1pm.  Entry is by gold coin donation and there will be lots of market stalls and goodies.

Stop by and see me and make a very cute sheep bookmark to take home.

Sheep bookmark

I also have a display of very bright cards made using the "Sunny Day" Simply Scrappin' Kit. The colours are so delicious!

If you aren't able to come today, perhaps you can make it on Saturday to the Woodbridge Preschool in Eltham, where I'll be doing a similar thing.  All the details for Saturday are in the message at the top of my blog.  Hope to see you in the next couple of days, raising money for a fundraising cause close to my heart. 


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